Europe Braces for a Surge in Black Market Synthetic Opioids

“The fentanyl-related overdose crisis has been largely experienced in North America. In Europe, nonmedical opioid users prefer to smoke or inject heroin. However, with the Taliban clampdown on opium cultivation in Afghanistan, drug trafficking organizations are...

What I Am Reading July 25th

In convenience food a boundless pleasure. From Wall Street’s Journal, a tale they tell, 7-Eleven’s food is selling well The FDA’s task is tough and grim. Captain Crunch, will they replace? Lobbyists’ power from days of yore. In California,...

DNA Guided Diets: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction

Although nutrition has made significant advances in recent years—such as recognizing the harm caused by trans fats—it is surprising that, even within the academic field, there is still ongoing debate about the most efficient diet. Spoiler alert: any of them can work...

Farm-to-Table Compassion: Saving Peppa Pig

When it comes to what’s for dinner, we seem to have a bit of selective empathy. A study in Appetite shows that children are less inclined to eat animals they perceive as having human-like traits, revealing our deep-rooted bias towards identifiable over anonymous...

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