Yosemite Black Bears' Diet Surprises Researchers

Black bears in Yosemite National Park that don’t seek out human foods subsist primarily on plants and nuts, according to a study conducted by biologists at UC San Diego who also found that ants and other sources of animal protein, such as mule deer, make up only...

The million year old monkey

An international team of scientists have dated a species of fossil monkey found across the Caribbean to just over 1 million years old.The discovery was made after the researchers recovered a fossil tibia (shin bone) belonging to the species of extinct...

Ants – Pests or pest controllers?

While many are used to thinking of ants as pests (especially during the summertime), new research published in British Ecological Society’s Journal of Applied Ecology says not so fast. Ants are actually pest controllers. They’re efficient, sustainable and...

Ocean plastic plague threatens seabirds

Already 60% of seabird species have plastic in their guts, often as much as 8% of their body weight. And with ocean plastic increasing exponentially, that figure will rise to 99% by 2050, threatening some birds’ survival. Unless we act.

Fossil of prehistoric sea scorpion discovered in Iowa!

The fossil of a previously unknown species of ‘sea scorpion’, measuring over 1.5 meters long, has been discovered in Iowa, USA, and described in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. Dating back 460 million years, it is the oldest...

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