New York’s bold move against plastic waste

New York is on the brink of passing a groundbreaking bill aimed at drastically reducing single-use plastic waste.James Bruggers reports for Inside Climate News.In short:The proposed legislation in New York targets a 50% reduction in plastic packaging waste within 12...

Minnesota’s recycling ambition hits a snag

Minnesota’s pioneering plastic film recycling center faces operational challenges just two months post-launch.Brooks Johnson reports for Star Tribune.In short:The $30 million Myplas recycling facility in Rogers, opened with high hopes and corporate backing, is...

Taxpayers may bear the brunt of BC’s mining cleanup costs

An investigation reveals the escalating financial burden of mining pollution cleanup in British Columbia, potentially falling on taxpayers. Francesca Fionda, Jeffrey Jones and Chen Wang report for The Narwhal. In short: The abandoned Tulsequah Chief mine in BC, closed...

Koh Jik’s journey to nearly 100% solar power

Koh Jik, a quaint island in Thailand, has emerged as a model of sustainability by transitioning almost entirely to solar power.Pattamon Wongrattna reports for Deutsche-Welle.In short:Koh Jik has successfully shifted its energy reliance to solar power, setting a...

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