Haase, I read the following excerpt from PESN, and about Clinton and Reid falling for next “free energy machine” of the moment…

While at the Clean Energy Summit 5 held in Las Vegas on August 7, where John Rohner had a booth for Inteligentry’s noble gas engine technology, apparently he met up with and spent quite a bit of time talking to former President Bill Clinton and Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid. The event was co-hosted by Reid, who gave the closing remarks. Clinton was the keynote speaker.

According to John, Clinton and Reid expressed both a strong interest in his technology and in doing what they could to help move it forward, including:

  • Move the project into well-funded labs to help the research and development advance more rapidly.
  • Order the IRS and other federal and state bureaus to investigate some of his competitors who are alleged to have been involved in unethical business practices detrimental to Inteligentry. 

Follow-up meetings are supposed to happen next week.

A report about this was published today by John’s brother and competitor, Bob Rohner at BeforeItsNews. That story publishes an email that John apparently sent to Bob, both to announce his success and to give Bob a heads up about pending repercussions.

And then things got weird… or honest, always hard to tell 🙂

But my best guess is that they (New World Order architects) are all for “clean energy technologies” as long as they are more expensive than coal and other fossil fuels, so that they don’t pose a genuine, affordable alternative, but actually increase our economic downward spiral because they are so much more expensive. And they provide a reason for the governments of the world to impose “carbon taxes” and other such controlling schemes.

For a little interesting crazy talk, continue reading at:

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